WCADAMHS approves agency contracts to continue mental health and addiction services for county residents.
The Wood County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services Board approved a $20 million “System of Care Budget” for mental health and addiction services available throughout Wood County. Funding sources include $9.2 million provided by local county levy dollars, $7.9 million provided by federal funds, and $1.9 million provided by state funds.
A contract for the Children’s Resource Center was approved for $2,666,006, covering the residential unit, crisis/mobile response and stabilization services, early childhood intervention, sexual abuse prevention services, Functional Family Therapy, and transportation.
Additional contracts approved are for Harbor, $3,690,935; Unison, $1,835,034; Wood County Educational Services, $1,144,043; OhioGuidestone, $513,212; Zepf Center, $510,418; The Cocoon, $426,615; Harbor Women’s Residential/Recovery, $340,815, which are flow-through funds from Ohio Mental Health and Addiction Services; National Alliance on Mental Illness Wood County, $339,819; Addiction Response Collaborative, $146,427; and H.O.P.E. in Fostoria, $13,846 for H.O.P.E. in Fostoria.
BG Independent News article for more information on contracts and approved funding.